
Hello dear all

How is your January going until now? Speaking for me, I know the sequel of 2013 will be better as I am under the weather with the flu. Fortunately I treated myself with some great things to begin the year with. I am participating in NOW YOU :: 52 of YOU and so happy to get to know new people from all over the world through their photography and to be able to broaden my photographic horizon. This course will teach me a lot about myself and myself as a photographer. Feeling so excited!

Blogging from the Heart is the most recent e-course by the fantastic and inspiring Susannah Conway. It has been on my wishlist for a while, but since yesterday, this dream has become reality!

And last but not least: I will -finally- start with yoga. My first lesson will take place at the end of last week. I can’t wait to get started as I know it will benefit mind, body and soul. For the ones of you who’d want to read about yoga: Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom by Iyengar is the best book I ever read on the subject.

What (live or e-) courses are you taking this year? I would love to know!



PS: did you notice the cute little teapot? I found it in a charity shop in Oxford. Only one of the reasons why I love this city so much! (Another reason is the beauty of the Thames Path. You can see a glimpse of it at the desktop of my laptop)